About Us
The National Overdose Response Service (NORS) is a virtual safe consumption site available for all Canadians, 24/7 * 365. Our service is 100% confidential, anonymous and judgement free. Our only priority is to keep you safe while you use drugs.
Please don’t use alone.

our impact
20,000 +
Interactions completed through NORS.
Overdoses detected and responded to through NORS.
Mental Health Emergencies responded to through NORS.
Naloxone Trainings completed through NORS.

The drug supply is messy- please get your drugs tested-use with a friend- carry naloxone.
Having a hard trip?
Our staff has extensive experience in mental health first aid and psychosis de-escalation. Many of our calls involve supporting folks through challenging responses that can sometimes occur while using drugs.
Concerned about your or a loved one’s substance use?
We are here anonymously to lend an ear and support you with no judgement or shame. We understand the complexities that arise as relationships with substance use become more complicated.
You can interact with NORS from anywhere in Canada.
for similar services in the USA check out Safe Spot or Never Use Alone

Our story
The National Overdose Response Service started as the overdose prevention line. It was the brainchild of Rebecca Morris-Miller. With $1,000 donation and a cell phone rebecca started the OPL in response to the closure of supervised consumption sites during the pandemic. Collaboration with brave co-op and Dr. Monty Ghosh led to the National overdose response service we now know and love as NORS. The world lost rebecca to an overdose October 31, 2022. A fierce advocate, a loving mom, daughter, sister and friend to many she is greatly missed. Long live her legacy.
The genesis of NORS is a strange and adventurous tale of hope. It speaks to the resiliency and compassion of humanity during times of collective crisis and suffering. In reflection, it is hard to imagine that our team of riffraff and renegades came together in the creation and evolution of this wild endeavour. As with any project of this magnitude NORS has become far greater than the SUM of it’s parts.
The National Overdose Response Service Launched December 15, 2020.
expands supervision to wherever a person is using drugs
Provides overdose response in areas not well served by emergency services
Decreases social isolation
Increases social connection
Connects service participants to community resources
Provides information for local safe substance use supplies and drug testing sites
Increases services access for all routes of consumption including inhalation
Effective use of peer to peer expertise and knowledge sharing
Increases equitable access to service
Removes physical obstacles for differently abled participants
Stigma and Judgment free zone